
Event Summary for Health Insurance Literacy Forum

It remains critical that Blacks/African-Americans no matter what their age – understand how to use their insurance to access all of the benefits and services that are available. To that end, CBHC had its last informative Health Forum of the year, which featuring a keynote speaker and a panel of experts, including Senators Rhonda Fields and Angela Williams, as well as Connect for Health Colorado.

It is critical that Blacks/African-Americans no matter what their age – understand how to use their insurance to access all of the benefits and services that are available. CBHC ‘s 4th quarter health forum was structure to set the foundation for Health Insurance Literacy discussions. There is a lot of uncertainty about the future of healthcare in the United States. At this forum keynote Speaker Kinte Ibbott, VP of Health Communications at Maximus, Inc. facilitated an informative Panel discussion with representatives from Connect for Health Colorado and the Colorado Division of Insurance, as well as the Senators, about Health Insurance Literacy in the Community. CBHC plans to have other forums to continue the education and dialog going about this important issue. Check the CBHC website for resources and information about Health Insurance Literacy. Stay tuned for upcoming communications and collaborations to further educate and inform the Community about Health Insurance Literacy.

To make sure that we understand the knowledge base and challenges that Blacks in Colorado have related to health literacy, CBHC also conducted two Focus Groups with members of the Community. There was excellent participation in the groups and we will be utilizing the information to shape future resource materials and meetings.

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